Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Off-Duty Police Officer Trespasses and Murders Neighbors Dog

An off-duty police officer from Essex Vermont, Michael Wootton shot a neighbors dog because the dog attacked his Pug. Wootton’s Pug wasn’t on a leash and left his property and entered the neighbors property. Upon entering the neighbors property the Pug got attacked by the neighbors dog, wich caused the police officer to return to his home, grab his gun and walk back over to the neighbors yard where he shot the neighbors dog.

According to the Essex, VT police department, Michael Wootton has been placed on suspension while the situation is being investigated. Wootton may end up facing charges over the incident…

What The Heck Is Wrong With Police These Days

When I was a young kid I put my dog on a chain leash and left her outside. Shortly after I put her out a teenager walked onto our property and tried to pet her, which caused her to bite at him. The police showed up at our house and told us that our dog had attacked someone and if it happened again they would have to remove the dog.

This situation is total bullcrap! I had my dog on a leash and someone came into my yard without permission and got bitten by my dog, which never would have happened if that stupid teenager wasn’t trespassing.

In this case with the off-duty police officer… The officer shouldn’t have had his dog loose. By walking onto the neighbors yard her was already trespassing and by murdering the neighbors dog… This is definitely cruelty to animals. I don’t think cruelty to animals is strong enough though because it carries a small fine.

Police officers today think that their badge gives them the right to do whatever they want when in fact they should be required to follow the same laws as the rest of us. Police officers that commit these types of offenses should either resign or be kicked from the police force.

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