Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category


There have been a lot of rumors (speculation) that different religions have systematically placed holiday’s on the same day that other cultures had holiday’s. Easter is a well known Pagan holiday as it is a day to celebrate fertility… It is also a well-known holiday because it is ‘told’ that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday.

It is somewhat interesting that Jesus was resurrected on the same day that another culture was engaging in illicit sexual acts. As to what story is true… I don’t know and I honestly don’t care. All I can say is that I like the ‘fertility’ holiday more because… Going to church isn’t as fun as having sex!

To help get those reproductive juices flowing we’ve got 24 photos of a very sexy and very wet amateur Asian


We originally only published twelve photos from the recent Indonesian Tarra Nadhira Hindersah Facebook scandal because the majority of the photos are just photos of Tarra Nadhira Hindersah flashing her really hairy bush and vagina at the camera.

Someone decided to post a comment last night stating that if we had a heart we would remove the photos from our website. Well… We’re heartless and here are 28 additional photos of Tarra Nadhira Hindersah to prove it!

View all 40 sexy uncensored photos of Tarra Nadhira Hindersah…

Female Arab Stripping Out Of Burqa Clothing

Although some people will be truly offended by this… I can’t please everyone! Here is a potentially fake Arab woman stripping down while wearing her Burqa style clothes.

I don’t believe women should be forced to cover themselves up and therefore you can click the image above and view some of these very erotic uncensored photos…

For those that are offended by this… I am offended by forcing women to keep themselves hidden. In America we do not believe in such nonsense and do not believe that women should live their lives hiding or feeling ashamed anytime they might get an urge that a man doesn’t approve of. To each their own I suppose…

My initial answer to this question is no because homosexuals can’t reproduce and therefore the human race would die off slowly if our society had a lot of homosexuals. After some careful consideration of this question… I think heterosexuals do actually need homosexuals for a few different reasons.

Sexual Fantasies

I can’t even count how many men exist that desire to see two women have sex together or desire to have sex with multiple women at once. In the same, there are women that desire to see two men have sex together or desire to have sex with multiple men at once.

A lot of heterosexuals seem to have “natural” bi-sexual fantasies, which indicates that these desires were willingly programmed into both men and women. Since so many men and women have these desires I have to classify them as natural and normal, which means I also have to classify anyone that engages in homosexual or bi-sexual relations as being just as normal as heterosexuals.

If everyone were a heterosexual… Millions of people would have dreams and fantasies that would NEVER come true.

The Sky Is The Limit

Our American society teaches that people should be unique individuals and that each unique individual can achieve virtually anything that they can possibly dream. While this is a common belief in America it would lose its power if everyone had to live their life behind closed doors.

Being able to walk down the street and see people with multi-colored hair, wacky t-shirts or two men kissing serves as a constant reminder to what freedoms America truly offers. By reminding people of what they can achieve it encourages them to continue to dream and chase after their dreams, which is beneficial to everyone in society. It may not be the prettiest thing to see… But it is still positive and therefore useful.

Homosexuals Have An Inability to Reproduce

A woman can’t become pregnant without sperm to fertilize her egg, which means that homosexual women won’t become pregnant and it also means that homosexual men won’t get women pregnant either. Ordinarily this would concern me but thanks so many men that need to relieve their sexual tension… Women can get sperm from a sperm bank virtually any-time that they need it.

Since homosexual women can still become pregnant… I would have to say that there is no current threat to human existence.

Heterosexuals Are Sexually Irresponsible

I’ll make this one short and sweet… Heterosexuals are reckless. There are millions of abortions performed each year because there are millions of babies conceived each year by people that can’t handle pregnancy or are incapable of raising a child. The more people that become homosexual… The less unplanned pregnancies become an issue, which also means there will be less murder through the use of abortion.

The Bible Says Homosexuality Is Wrong

God is an INTJ and I am an INTJ. The only reason the bible said homosexuality is/was wrong is because in the beginning… When God created the heavens and the Earth… The human race would have died off if everyone were a homosexual. Thanks to human advancement… There is no real risk to homosexuality like there was back in the early days of creation.

God couldn’t care less if people are having sex with a man or a woman… He cares about the survival of his creations and therefore developed laws to make sure that his creations would survive. Those laws have been passed from generation to generation and each generation has added their own special touch to it… And each touch was WRONG. Homosexuality is not a sin… Having sex with someone you don’t love or are married to is however, technically still a sin.

In The End

The only true risk to having a society full of homosexuals is the fact that people can’t reproduce. Thanks to sperm banks… Homosexual women can still reproduce, which eliminates the only big risk involved with homosexuality.

Homosexuals are no more dangerous to society than a heterosexual is. Heterosexuals still have homosexual or bi-sexual fantasies. Homosexuality shows freedom of expression and reduces the amount of abortions and unplanned pregnancies… All of these things are important and therefore I think heterosexuals need homosexuals. Homosexuality will help cure some of the serious problems our American society has had with unplanned pregnancies and abortions, which increases social happiness and reduces the amount of murder and chaos that exists within our modern American society.


Read more articles like this at Ask An INTJ.

There are a lot of parents out there that have their children circumcised due to personal beliefs, religious beliefs or because of new medical studies that claim circumcision reduces the risks of sexually transmitted diseases.Despite all these studies and beliefs, there is a legitimate question that has to be asked… Do parents have a right to circumcise their children?

Circumcision Reduces The Risk Of STD’s

Some studies claim that it does but I don’t know how this was tested. In the United States of America it is illegal to willingly infect another person with a deadly sexually transmitted disease like HIV or AIDS, which means that this can’t be tested by studying people having sex. In order to test this it would have to be done under altered medical settings that are not reliable because human contamination is going to happen and will mess up the test results.

Reduction In Sexual Pleasure

Acircumcised male gets less pleasure than a un-circumcised male. The foreskin provides a variety of protection to the head of the penis. When the foreskin is removed the head of the penis has constant contact with things like clothing, which over time, causes the head of the penis to become tougher.

The tougher (harder) the head of the penis becomes, the less sensitive it is. Obviously a man experiences more pleasure from a softer head than he does from a hard (tough) leathery head, which means that circumcision does reduce the amount of sexual pleasure a man experiences during different forms of sexual play.

Circumcision Is A Cosmetic Surgery

A parent forcing their child to get circumcised is just as inappropriate as a man forcing his daughter to get breast implants. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery and circumcision is a cosmetic surgery.

Health Risks

When a man doesn’t pull the foreskin back from time to time it is possible that a small layer of skin can grow between the foreskin and the head, which will prevent the foreskin from being pulled back over the head of the penis. Once this additional layer of skin grows it has to be surgically removed through a very minor and quick medical procedure that even small clinics can perform.

Aside from additional skin growing, there are no risks involved until a child becomes sexually active. Even if it is true that circumcised males are less likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, that doesn’t become a risk until the child has become sexually active. This simply means that there are no serious health risks until the male reaches the age of 13 to 20, when they begin having sexual intercourse.

In either situation, as long as a parent teaches their child to be sexually responsible by cleaning themselves properly, and teaches them to use appropriate protection… there are no serious health risks for a male that isn’t circumcised.

Free Choice

The United States ruled that a woman is the only person that has the right to decide whether or not she does or doesn’t want to have an abortion because the procedure directly impacts her body. In the same, circumcision directly impacts a man’s body and therefore it is a man’s choice. Allowing a woman to decide whether or not to have an abortion and not allowing a man the right to choose whether or not he has a circumcision is clearly discrimination towards men because women are given additional rights’ and privileges that men should be equally entitled to. It is unethical to allow women rights’ and not allow men to have similar to equal rights’.

Should a woman not want to have sex with a man because he is un-circumcised, this is her right to make this decision. It is not her right to force a man to get circumcised before she has sex with him though unless he is willing to have the procedure done.

In The End

Circumcision is pretty serious and deserves some consideration before making the decision. A circumcised penis is more exposed (unprotected) than an un-circumcised penis is, which could increase the risk of getting frostbite. A circumcised male will also eventually experience decreased sexual pleasure due to having tougher (rougher) skin on his penis. Last but not least, circumcision is a ‘cosmetic’ surgery because there are no serious health risks, which means it is done for ‘appearance’ (some people think a circumcised penis is more appealing or attractive) reasons.

Since all of the alleged health risks can be avoided by bathing properly or using condoms… there are no serious health risks, which means circumcision can’t legally be viewed as medically important. Since circumcision provides nothing more than a physical change, it is a cosmetic surgery. Since cosmetic surgeries are a personal choice… the only person that should have the right to make the choice is the person that is directly effected by the circumcision. Since a man is the one that lives with his penis… he is the only one that should be allowed to make a decision regarding whether or not he should or shouldn’t be circumcised.


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Abortion is a popular debate, especially when it comes to whether or not a woman does or doesn’t have a right to choose. While many people that have read my articles on circumcision may already think I would automatically support a woman’s right to have an abortion… Abortion is so complex that you have to analyze the multiple characteristics, which is what I will do in the process of offering my feelings about it.

Sex Has Risks

Some people are extremely sexually irresponsible, which creates pregnancies and contributes to the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases. In this particular situation… when dealing with sexually irresponsible people… Abortion is used as a form of birth control.

I do not agree with allowing women to have hundreds, thousands or millions of abortions. Once a woman gets to a point where she is having her third, fourth or tenth abortion I think it borders on a person being a threat to society.

In this situation, where a woman is constantly having abortions… She should be charged with negligence and murder… and placed in jail. The statistical possibility that any one couple would have multiple condoms fail is almost 0% considering condoms are still 97% effective. Obviously this woman is having sex without the use of any protection, which is stupid, reckless and dangerous.

Abortion Is Necessary In Some Situations Due To Medical Reasons

There are certain times when a woman will need an abortion because the baby will pose a threat to her body. I see no problems here… Obviously this is a situation that needs to be dealt with and the mother takes priority over the child considering if the mother died the child would also likely die. An abortion in this situation isn’t what I would consider murder… It is actually more of a ‘self-defense’ type action. Killing another person to save your own life is not murder… it is legally self-defense.

Abortion Affects Several People

Several years back my brother got a younger girl pregnant and had an abortion without telling him. She didn’t tell him that he was pregnant, she didn’t tell him she had an abortion and when he found out several years later he almost killed himself due to the severe depression that followed.

The truth is, it takes two people to make a baby as it is theoretically and physically impossible to become pregnant without having a man’s sperm. While a woman legally has a right to choose whether or not she does or does not have an abortion I do NOT agree that a woman is allowed to have an abortion without telling the person that made her pregnant.

While it is her decision, a man should at least have the right to try and discuss alternative options. These discussions may not help but it helps by making sure each person has gotten to express themselves.

A Rape Victim Shouldn’t Have To Carry Her Attackers Baby

I agree that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion when she is raped. Getting raped is bad enough but having to carry and then raise a rapists child is not logical to me. Since this woman did not consent to having sex… she should not be responsible for the pregnancy. Honestly… I think the Federal Government should offer free abortions to women when they are raped (assuming the morning after pill fails).


In The End

There are certain situations where abortion is necessary such as a woman being raped or several life threatening medical conditions. I do NOT agree with using abortion as a method of birth control though.

Abortions claim more than one million American lives each year, which is 3 times more deaths than deaths related to tobacco smokers. The statistical possibility that all of these abortions are performed due to medical reasons or because a condom broke is not logical. Maybe 200,000 to 300,000 are performed for these reasons but the other million or so abortions that are performed across America are due to sexually irresponsible people that have sex without worrying about using birth control.

Abortions are dangerous to the mother (is some instances), abortions are dangerous to psychological states for both men and women and abortions are much more expensive than what condoms and regular birth control costs. People need to learn about sexual responsibility and the more freely we allow people to get abortions… The less likely people will learn to be sexually responsible.

Last but not least… I think the Federal Government should have a three-strike rule on abortions. If an abortion is performed for a reason other than rape or medical problems it should be documented. Once a woman has more than three abortions she should be charged with reckless endangerment of a child and placed in jail or required to pay a LARGE fine.



I am well versed in the pros and cons of abortion. While I am well versed in this debate I did not cover everything that could be covered simply because I will eventually compile a formal essay type post on the subject. I felt it would be interesting to kick start an intellectual debate about abortion though.

Remember… I do agree that a woman should have the right to choose but I also feel that abortion is a complex matter that our laws allow to be taken rather lightly, which is what I don’t agree with. Feel free to offer your opinion about ‘abortion’ but make sure it stays clean. I won’t tolerate arguments…


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I won’t proclaim myself to be a very religious person but as an INTJ I often to turn religion to help fuel my creative process. While there are many aspects of religion I could discuss, I think the most interesting discussion of all is why God, an INTJ, created Jesus, an INFJ.

INTJ’s (Jigsaw, Hannibal Lector, Al Simmons, Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler) are arrogant and cruel, which we see in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible when God allowed so much war, murder and destruction to take place within his beautiful world.

INFJ’s (Mother Teresa, Jesus, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr) are very compassionate, passionate and loving individuals that often allow themselves to get trampled on without putting up a fight (don’t believe me? I don’t recall Jesus saying anything to anyone other than God when he was crucified!).

I legitimately have to wonder why an INTJ would ever create an INFJ… and I’ve wondered about this for more years than I can ever count. Finally, after living a decent amount of time, I understand why God might have created his son to be so remarkably different than he is.

Given our arrogance, the horrible things that some INTJ’s have done in the past and the horrible way  that Hollywood depicts us in some popular movies… We aren’t actually all that bad. Sure we do some truly bad things that people can’t understand, but there is normally a stressor that triggers us to do those things.

The only thing that tends to prevent an INTJ from going crazy is our friends and family. If we are surrounded by gentle, compassionate, passionate and loving people… we tend to be less arrogant and cruel. Assuming God was aware of his cruelty… and wanted to correct it… it would make sense that he created his son to be similar to him.

The truth is, INTJ’s and INFJ’s are almost identical aside from the “T” and the “F”. The T is a thinker and the F is a feeler. Thinkers lack feeling and feelers lack thinking so when you combine the two, the two compensate for each others strengths and weaknesses… they basically complete one another (sorry for the cheesy Jerry Maguire reference).

I guess all of this may just be my over active imagination trying to find a way to explain something that is totally unexplainable but the logic makes perfect sense. With this in mind it would also shine light onto why Jesus died to protect others, and claimed people can redeem the sins that they commit.

I know other people will disagree with everything I have said but few will find a way to explain where my logic is flawed. This is the only semi logical explanation for why God and Jesus are remarkably different from one another.

There are a lot of people that believe a man should be circumcised and there are a lot of people that don’t believe a man should be circumcised.

The reality of the matter here is that parents shouldn’t be allowed to make this decision because this minor surgical procedure is a “cosmetic” surgery.

A father shouldn’t be allowed to force his daughter to get breast implants because she has small breasts. In the same, a mother and father shouldn’t be allowed to cut the foreskin of a male child’s penis off either.

A man should be allowed to grow up and eventually make this decision for himself. It is totally inappropriate to allow adults to force their personal opinions and beliefs upon a child. “Parenting” is one thing but going as far as cosmetically altering a child’s body to accommodate the beliefs of the parents… in my opinion is inhumane and such people should be jailed or executed for extreme cruelty.

One of the first things I learned from studying history is that people will kill one another over virtually anything. People kill one another over clothing, personal beliefs, physical appearances, money and millions of other things as well.

If I could prove that God existed I wouldn’t allow anyone to know it. If I could prove that God didn’t exist I wouldn’t allow anyone to know it. The reason I wouldn’t allow people to know about such proof or see such proof is simple…

People need something to believe in because it gives people hope in their daily lives as well as hope for a potential life after death. Taking this hope away from people would cause hysteria and chaos. Forcing this belief upon none believers would also incite hysteria and chaos.

Some questions are better left unanswered…