A Woman’s Right To Choose

Posted: April 13, 2009 in Debate, Religion, sex, Society
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Abortion is a popular debate, especially when it comes to whether or not a woman does or doesn’t have a right to choose. While many people that have read my articles on circumcision may already think I would automatically support a woman’s right to have an abortion… Abortion is so complex that you have to analyze the multiple characteristics, which is what I will do in the process of offering my feelings about it.

Sex Has Risks

Some people are extremely sexually irresponsible, which creates pregnancies and contributes to the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases. In this particular situation… when dealing with sexually irresponsible people… Abortion is used as a form of birth control.

I do not agree with allowing women to have hundreds, thousands or millions of abortions. Once a woman gets to a point where she is having her third, fourth or tenth abortion I think it borders on a person being a threat to society.

In this situation, where a woman is constantly having abortions… She should be charged with negligence and murder… and placed in jail. The statistical possibility that any one couple would have multiple condoms fail is almost 0% considering condoms are still 97% effective. Obviously this woman is having sex without the use of any protection, which is stupid, reckless and dangerous.

Abortion Is Necessary In Some Situations Due To Medical Reasons

There are certain times when a woman will need an abortion because the baby will pose a threat to her body. I see no problems here… Obviously this is a situation that needs to be dealt with and the mother takes priority over the child considering if the mother died the child would also likely die. An abortion in this situation isn’t what I would consider murder… It is actually more of a ‘self-defense’ type action. Killing another person to save your own life is not murder… it is legally self-defense.

Abortion Affects Several People

Several years back my brother got a younger girl pregnant and had an abortion without telling him. She didn’t tell him that he was pregnant, she didn’t tell him she had an abortion and when he found out several years later he almost killed himself due to the severe depression that followed.

The truth is, it takes two people to make a baby as it is theoretically and physically impossible to become pregnant without having a man’s sperm. While a woman legally has a right to choose whether or not she does or does not have an abortion I do NOT agree that a woman is allowed to have an abortion without telling the person that made her pregnant.

While it is her decision, a man should at least have the right to try and discuss alternative options. These discussions may not help but it helps by making sure each person has gotten to express themselves.

A Rape Victim Shouldn’t Have To Carry Her Attackers Baby

I agree that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion when she is raped. Getting raped is bad enough but having to carry and then raise a rapists child is not logical to me. Since this woman did not consent to having sex… she should not be responsible for the pregnancy. Honestly… I think the Federal Government should offer free abortions to women when they are raped (assuming the morning after pill fails).


In The End

There are certain situations where abortion is necessary such as a woman being raped or several life threatening medical conditions. I do NOT agree with using abortion as a method of birth control though.

Abortions claim more than one million American lives each year, which is 3 times more deaths than deaths related to tobacco smokers. The statistical possibility that all of these abortions are performed due to medical reasons or because a condom broke is not logical. Maybe 200,000 to 300,000 are performed for these reasons but the other million or so abortions that are performed across America are due to sexually irresponsible people that have sex without worrying about using birth control.

Abortions are dangerous to the mother (is some instances), abortions are dangerous to psychological states for both men and women and abortions are much more expensive than what condoms and regular birth control costs. People need to learn about sexual responsibility and the more freely we allow people to get abortions… The less likely people will learn to be sexually responsible.

Last but not least… I think the Federal Government should have a three-strike rule on abortions. If an abortion is performed for a reason other than rape or medical problems it should be documented. Once a woman has more than three abortions she should be charged with reckless endangerment of a child and placed in jail or required to pay a LARGE fine.



I am well versed in the pros and cons of abortion. While I am well versed in this debate I did not cover everything that could be covered simply because I will eventually compile a formal essay type post on the subject. I felt it would be interesting to kick start an intellectual debate about abortion though.

Remember… I do agree that a woman should have the right to choose but I also feel that abortion is a complex matter that our laws allow to be taken rather lightly, which is what I don’t agree with. Feel free to offer your opinion about ‘abortion’ but make sure it stays clean. I won’t tolerate arguments…


Visit my regular blog at http://www.askanintj.com

  1. Edward says:

    Well written and well said. Though I must admit I am pro life in all eventualities, you make a very well stated perspective for the different situations. Keep up the good work. Your blog and the daily dose are a couple of the better ones on here.

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